martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013



Read the text and answer the questions about it.


Julian works at the bookstore.  First, his job is to unload boxes of books from the truck.

Then he opens the boxes. After that, Julian puts the books in different piles.  One pile is for books that tell true stories. These are called books of fact.  Another pile is for books that tell stories that are not true. These are called books of fiction.

Julian then puts the books on shelves in the bookstore.  Putting books on shelves is what Julian likes to do best at work.  When Julian has free time at work, he likes to read through all of the books.

His favorite books are the ones that tell true stories about real people and their lives.

On Sunday and Monday, Julian does not work at the bookstore.  On these days, he stays at home. He uses this time to write a story about himself.

Julian grew up in Peru. Now he lives in the United States. He works at the bookstore to pay for school.  Julian wants to be a teacher.  One day, he hopes to turn his story into a book.  He hopes to see it at the bookstore.


1) Where does Julian work?
A. on a truck
B. at a bookstore
C. in Peru
D. at an art store

2) What must Julian do first at his job?
A. open the boxes of books
B. read through all of the books
C. unload boxes of books
D. sort through piles of books

3) What is the second thing Julian must do at his job?
A. open boxes
B. tape boxes shut
C. put books on shelves
D. put books in piles

4) In how many piles must Julian put  the books?
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. six

5) In what piles are the books placed?
A. easy and hard
B. long and short
C. true and not true
D. funny and not funny

6) A book that contains a story that is not true is called
A. a book of fact
B. a book of fiction

7) Which word describes a story that is true?
A. fact
B. fiction

8) What does Julian like to do best at work?
A. unload boxes
B. open boxes
C. put books in piles
D. put books on shelves

9) What does Julian do during his free time at work?
A. write stories
B. read books
C. tell stories
D. put books on shelves

10) Which books does Julian like best?
A. true books
B. funny books
C. sad books
D. books with happy endings

11) Why does Julian work at the bookstore?
A. to buy a house
B. to pay for clothes
C. to pay for school
D. to pay for a trip to Peru

12) What does Julian hope to turn his story into?
A. a book
B. a movie
C. a play
D. a TV show

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013



Read the text and answer the questions about it.

Reem likes to go to the park with her mom. She likes to play at the park with her friends.
Today when Reem goes to the park, she looks around and becomes very sad.

“What is wrong, Reem?” Mom asks. “There is so much trash on the ground,” Reem says. “It seems like each day, I see more trash here.”

Reem and her mom look around.  There are old boxes on the ground. There are popped balloons on the ground. There are old cans, too.

“You are right,” Mom says. “The park is very dirty.” “What can we do?” Reem asks.
“I am sure you will think of something,” Mom says.

Reem and her mom go home. Reem paints a picture of a park. She uses blue, green, brown, and yellow paint.

PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN, she writes in big letters on top of her picture.

“Let’s go back to the park, Mom,” Reem says. “Okay,” Mom says.

Reem grabs a bunch of trash bags to take with her. She also brings along some tape. When Reem gets to the park, she tapes her picture on a big trash can. “Here you go!” she says to her mom. She hands her mom a bag. “Will you help me pick up the trash?”“I sure will,” Mom says.

The children at the park run over to see what is going on. Reem hands them bags. “Let’s clean this place up,” she says.

The children pick up lots of trash. They talk and laugh as they work. Soon all the  bags are full.
“We need to come back another day. There is still some trash on the ground,” Reem says. “But the park looks much better.”

“It does,” Mom says. “I knew you would think of some way to help.”


1) Why is Reem sad?
A. Her friends are not at the park.
B. She cannot find her mom.
C. There is a lot of trash at the park.
D. She hurts herself on the slide.

2) What is on the ground?
I. old boxes
II. paper
III. plastic wrappers
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

3) What does Reem do when she gets home?
A. She makes a sign.
B. She eats dinner.
C. She paints her face.
D. She cleans her room.

4) What is the purpose of Reem’s  picture?
A. to encourage people to clean up the park
B. to make the park more beautiful
C. to improve her skills as an artist
D. to show people how beautiful  the park is

5) Why does Reem tape her picture to the trash can?
A. so people can see it
B. so it falls to the ground
C. so people get mad
D. she is tired of holding it

6) Who helps Reem pick up trash?
I. her dad
II. her mom
III. other children
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III 

7) What does Reem give the children?
A. brooms
B. gifts
C. mops
D. trash bags

8) What does Reem learn at the park?
A. that she can help make things better
B. that people do not care about the park
C. that her mom does not like to pick up trash
D. that the park has no trash cans

9) How might Reem and her friends feel after cleaning up?
A. cold
B. good
C. mad
D. sad

10) How does the park look after everyone cleans it up?
A. all clean
B. better
C. very dirty
D. dirtier

11) At the end of the story, why does Reem say that she needs to come back another day?
A. to play at the park
B. to clean up more trash
C. to empty the trash bags
D. to show her dad her work

12. What are some ways we can fight pollution and preserve the environment?



Read the text and answer the questions about it.


My name is Olaf.  I live in a big city.  I live on a busy road.  During the day and at night, cars go by.
Buses go by. Trucks go by.  People do not seem to hear the noise during the day.  But at night, the noise makes it hard to sleep.

My road has a lot of animals, too.  People keep their animals outside in their yards at night.
There are cats.  There are dogs.  The dogs make a lot of noise.  To me, the dogs are like the trucks.
The dogs are like the cars.  The dogs are like the buses. All of them are loud!

One dog barks more than the others do. His name is Simba.  Simba is Mr. Cheek’s dog. “That is a very bad dog. He keeps me up at night,” says Mr. Lucas.

Mr. Lucas  lives next door to Mr. Cheek. “You should give him away,” says Mr. Lucas.

This makes Mr. Cheek very mad. "You should not sleep with your windows open," says Mr. Cheek.
"You should take your dog inside at night," yells Mr. Lucas.

The two men argue about Simba’s barking almost every day.  I think this is funny.  To me, Simba is as bad as the cars.  He is as bad as the buses.  He is as bad as the trucks.

This is what living in a big city is like. There is a lot of noise.


1) In what place does Olaf live?
A. in a small apartment
B. in a big city
C. in a quiet neighborhood
D. in a busy town

2) According to Olaf, what makes  noise?
I. dogs
II. buses
III. airplanes
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

3) What goes by at night?
A. bikes
B. cats
C. dogs
D. trucks

4) Why may people not seem to hear the noise during the day?
A. because it is quiet
B. because they are sleepy
C. because they are busy doing other things
D. because they do not hear well during the day

5) What is Olaf’s road like?
I. It is dirty.
II. It is noisy.
III. It is busy.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

6) Which noise makes Mr. Lucas mad?
A. cats meowing
B. trucks going by
C. a dog barking
D. people talking

7) Who argues every day?
A. Mr. Lucas and Olaf
B. Olaf and Mr. Cheek
C. Simba and Mr. Lucas
D. Mr. Lucas and Mr. Cheek

8) What could Mr. Cheek do to help Mr. Lucas sleep?
A. get a cat
B. not argue with him
C. not drive his car at night
D. take his dog inside at night

9) What could Mr. Lucas do to sleep better?
A. close his windows at night
B. not argue with Mr. Cheek
C. go to bed later
D. talk to Olaf

10) Who says Simba is a bad dog?
A. Olaf
B. Mr. Lucas
C. Olaf and Mr. Lucas
D. no one

11) Who does Mr. Cheek live next door  to?
A. Olaf
B. Mr. Lucas
C. Olaf and Mr. Lucas
D. no one

12) What does Olaf mean when he says Simba is as bad as the buses?
A. that Simba barks at the buses
B. that Simba and the buses argue
C. that Simba runs down the street  at night
D. that Simba and the buses both make noise

13) According to Olaf, what could be done about noise in a big town?
A. People could ride bikes.
B. Dogs could be inside.
C. People could walk everywhere.
D. Nothing can be done.

14. Is it better to live in the city or in the country? Why?